Saturday, September 4, 2021

Nine And Feelin' fine! (I'm 8 days off on this one... sorry!)

 I turned nine nine on August 27th, so, I'm 8 days off, but, here it goes....

At nine, my favorite food is a Mac'n'cheese dog, and my favorite sport is soccer. I love Greek mythology, Harry Potter, Barbie's, Full House, The Phone, TV, snacks, couch, Legos, and dancing to music, and that's only a few!

I love school, and hopes everyone does so far too. I have a wonderful teacher, Mrs. Orr, who Cora had in third grade. I already have my Halloween costume picked out, and can't wait until we put up the décor.

I am so lucky to be nine. I am strong, passionate, brave, and bold (I think), I know that because I climbed a mountain. 

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