Sunday, September 26, 2021

Girl Scouts Are In The Kennedy Homecoming Parade

 Last Wednesday, I was in the Kennedy homecoming parade! Why, you ask? My mom thinks it's because we are GS and live in the Kennedy neighborhood, but then, why haven't we done it in the past? Anyway, we were giving out Tootsie Roll's And I saw my old dance teacher, Miss. Lexi but didn't think to give her candy. I saw two kids from my class, Shelbie and Lane, I gave Shelbie the rest of the candy I had. I also saw my old classmate from last year, Maggie and two soccer mates.

All of us before he parade!


My good friends Halle and Isla's mom took this photo also at the beginning of it

We saw the Principal!

And... us just in the parade

At the very end of it, when we went by the people we already went by, We got to watch the rest of the parade!

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