Saturday, September 4, 2021

Friend And Family B-day Party

 For my friend sleepover party, I invited Gabby, Delaney, Halle, and Isla, Plus a friend of C&E's, where they stayed the night at, while my friends were over here. 

First, we had dinner then Vanilla cupcakes with cherry frosting

 and close up

Then, it was Living Room Spa

Me and Halle

Gabby and Delaney 

Me, Halle, and Isla.(Halle is in the middle, Isla, left)

And then I opened the gifts- Delaney got me a HP Lego set

Gabby got me Every Flavor Beans and HP AG doll clothes

 Isla got me Barbie's and Halle got me Barbie accessories (Halle left Isla right)

 BFFs(Delaney's... somewhere behind Gabby. I don't know why, she just is)

  Here's me, The birthday girl

The toga fam: Me, Cora, Evaline, mom, Grandma Lynn and Papa Bill

We had two cakes, one cheesecake and one Cookie with Parthenon frosting

Me and my presents


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