Saturday, September 4, 2021

Back To School And Random Stuff

Whoo!  It's back to school for us three girls! School started on Monday the 23rd, four days before I turned  nine! I've barley posted at all this summer, and, to say our summer went by in slow-motion is a tremendous understatement. I started soccer the Wednesday before school and then moved it to Thursday's. I'm continuing to go to Pierce, and Cora and Evaline are going to Franklin, so, at their orientation, I had a tour of the 7th grade floor! I'm in Mrs. Orr's class, which was Cora's third teacher as well.

Us after school (Usually their in the morning, but the printer wasn't working, so dad printed them at Jefferson)

      Wednesday the 18th, my first soccer practice

  When we were picking corn off the cob, look what Papa Bill found; Two corn in one!

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