Sunday, September 26, 2021

Girl Scouts Are In The Kennedy Homecoming Parade

 Last Wednesday, I was in the Kennedy homecoming parade! Why, you ask? My mom thinks it's because we are GS and live in the Kennedy neighborhood, but then, why haven't we done it in the past? Anyway, we were giving out Tootsie Roll's And I saw my old dance teacher, Miss. Lexi but didn't think to give her candy. I saw two kids from my class, Shelbie and Lane, I gave Shelbie the rest of the candy I had. I also saw my old classmate from last year, Maggie and two soccer mates.

All of us before he parade!


My good friends Halle and Isla's mom took this photo also at the beginning of it

We saw the Principal!

And... us just in the parade

At the very end of it, when we went by the people we already went by, We got to watch the rest of the parade!

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Soccer (My First Game)

 I believe that in a earlier post, I had said I did soccer? Well, two Saturday's ago, I had my first game. And Either that week, or the week before, I had my very first real homework assignment that's not 'Caring Schools Community' to build a math robot using quadrilateral shapes only. Anyway, I'm going to show you my robot first(Just so you know, If you wanna see my handwriting, look at the top and bottom).

Here I am with Julie, my robot

 All of these next ones are fourth quarter... I was goalie then


And the photos...

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Friend And Family B-day Party

 For my friend sleepover party, I invited Gabby, Delaney, Halle, and Isla, Plus a friend of C&E's, where they stayed the night at, while my friends were over here. 

First, we had dinner then Vanilla cupcakes with cherry frosting

 and close up

Then, it was Living Room Spa

Me and Halle

Gabby and Delaney 

Me, Halle, and Isla.(Halle is in the middle, Isla, left)

And then I opened the gifts- Delaney got me a HP Lego set

Gabby got me Every Flavor Beans and HP AG doll clothes

 Isla got me Barbie's and Halle got me Barbie accessories (Halle left Isla right)

 BFFs(Delaney's... somewhere behind Gabby. I don't know why, she just is)

  Here's me, The birthday girl

The toga fam: Me, Cora, Evaline, mom, Grandma Lynn and Papa Bill

We had two cakes, one cheesecake and one Cookie with Parthenon frosting

Me and my presents


Back To School And Random Stuff

Whoo!  It's back to school for us three girls! School started on Monday the 23rd, four days before I turned  nine! I've barley posted at all this summer, and, to say our summer went by in slow-motion is a tremendous understatement. I started soccer the Wednesday before school and then moved it to Thursday's. I'm continuing to go to Pierce, and Cora and Evaline are going to Franklin, so, at their orientation, I had a tour of the 7th grade floor! I'm in Mrs. Orr's class, which was Cora's third teacher as well.

Us after school (Usually their in the morning, but the printer wasn't working, so dad printed them at Jefferson)

      Wednesday the 18th, my first soccer practice

  When we were picking corn off the cob, look what Papa Bill found; Two corn in one!

Nine And Feelin' fine! (I'm 8 days off on this one... sorry!)

 I turned nine nine on August 27th, so, I'm 8 days off, but, here it goes....

At nine, my favorite food is a Mac'n'cheese dog, and my favorite sport is soccer. I love Greek mythology, Harry Potter, Barbie's, Full House, The Phone, TV, snacks, couch, Legos, and dancing to music, and that's only a few!

I love school, and hopes everyone does so far too. I have a wonderful teacher, Mrs. Orr, who Cora had in third grade. I already have my Halloween costume picked out, and can't wait until we put up the décor.

I am so lucky to be nine. I am strong, passionate, brave, and bold (I think), I know that because I climbed a mountain.