Thursday, June 24, 2021

A View Of Our Life

 Let's start from the top! Sunday was fathers day, and, my Uncle Dave came into town. After Tennis I went to G&Gs house and C&E went to Tennis. Uncle Dave knows how to make Balloon Animals, but we didn't make them, instead, we blew them up, and let go! One of mine went all the way to G&Gs neighbors yard! Then, the next day, I had swim lessons at Co Collage with a collage student, named Luke. Then the day after that, I went to Adventure Land with my friend Gabby My favorite rides were all a tie: The Shooting Star, The Pirate Ship, and The Phenix. Yesterday, I had a swim lesson with-- He never told me hi name!

Blowing up balloons-- this is the one that went into G&Gs neighbors yard!

  Swimming lessons

Adventure land-- Magic show! 

Adventure Land-- Train normal...

…Train silly


Mini Dragon Ride

Lady Bug 

Really spiny ride

 Today was my only free day, soooo, I turned it into a play-date day, with my BFFs Halle & Isla (There're twins). So I can't have a play-date today, another on, at least!

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