Saturday, July 17, 2021

What We've Been Up To

 Hi! Every time I say, "Tonight I'm going to do the blog!" I forget to remind my mom to send me the pictures! Luckily, I've reminded my mom today, so here it goes!.

At early (Mid, late, who knows?!) June, me, Cora, and Evaline (And mom and dad) went to our family friends, Elena birthday party at Air-Fx (She's SIX now!)!


When Cora was at Gymnastics, and before mom went to cross-Fit, Me and Evaline payed Chickapig, a game that I got from Christmas, and was begging to play(I won Because of a poop card of Evaline's!)

I went to a Archery and rock climbing thing for my girl scouts!

The day before we left for my Montana trip, we went to see fireworks at Jefferson! Me waiting for fireworks-oh Cora's hand is there to, oh well

Today, I played with Play Dough! First you roll...

…Then, you make


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