Saturday, May 22, 2021

Yes, We're Still Here

 Soooo, a lot of things have happened during May 15th and May 22nd, like, we had pizza and cheese bread yesterday (We've not had pizza in a long long time)! So here's our time (The pictures are out of order)!

On Friday we watched . . .

On Tuesday I got a filling! You ca't see the tooth in the picture, but I promise it's there!

All right, NOW it's in order, today! This morning, I made my own breakfast! (It seems that I have a thing with eggs . . .)

Today, we went to Joanns and The Dollar Tree! Here's the Joanns stuff that I got (I'm going to try Hand-knitting) 

The Dollar Tree stuff that I got

All together

So, yeah! That's been our time! Oh! Also, there's nine more days of school left :(. Schools gets out on June 4th!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading your blog and seeing these photos. I’ve always wanted to learn how to hand knit. Let me know how it goes.
