Monday, November 6, 2023

Kroul Farm Pumpkin Patch

    A lot of fun stuff has happened in late October, including a Pumpkin Patch visit! We went to the Pumpkin Patch that we always go to, Kroul Farm. We went there with our family friends, whom we always go with. It was a super nice day out, but, as it was fall in Iowa, it had to be expected.

The wheelbarrows were big enough that I could fit in it!

There was a sign that said LOVE filled with hay, wheels, corn, and pumpkins!

There were hay barrels that had the most popular collages in Iowa (UNI, Iowa State Cyclones, and University of Iowa, Hawkeyes). I am personally a Iowa State fan.

 We went to go pick out pumpkins, and I chose a really pretty shade of yellow one with bumps.

 And, of course, we had to get hanged.

Also, look at these cool scarecrows that we found! Notice anything odd in this photo?

There was also some basketball next to the haybail maze. I was really bad at the basketball, by the way

By the way...

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