Sunday, June 12, 2022

We're Still Here, Don't Worry!

      We are still here. Phew.

    I was in a soccer tournament, and got fourth place!.

    We've been quite busy lately. Wednesday was the last day of school, a couple weeks ago, I bridged from Brownies, to Junior for GS, and many more things!

On Monday, May 23rd, I bridged to Junior GS!

Two Saturdays ago, I had a piano recital

We went to our family friends house, they rented some stuff from Air Fex, a trampoline park that has rock walls

Two Wednesdays ago, the last day of school!

The Sunday after the last day of school, I had a track meet. I did every advent that I did with my good friend, Gabby (we ony have Long Jump pictured, but I did Javelin and a 4x100 relay as well).

I don't know when, but sometime I made Lilac Jelly with my mom!

A looooooooooooooong time ago, (18 days until the last day of school), I made a count down to the last day of school!

One or two weeks ago, me and mom walked down to the river. I was rockn' on the wobbly dock!

***That was a joke because the wobbly dock rocks***

Next Saturday, we're goin to Frisco, Colorado!

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