Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Woah! This Is Gonna Be A Long One...

WARNING(!!!!): This post is gonna be the longest yet, so if you don't want to read it all, skip this one!!! 

WOW!!!!! It's been SOOOOOO long!! Since Feb, witch was two months ago!! Well, here's the basics:         Early (maybe mid???) April, I made Mrs. Tucker's bars all by myself. On April 5, I had a Pizazz concert. Pizazz is basically elementary show choir. I was in the 3rd grade, next year I'll be in the 4th and 5th grade one!! I had a solo!! On Saturday, I went to Beloit, Wisconsin to watch my cousin play softball. On Sunday, I went horseback riding! 

Here's my Mrs. Tucker's bars:

 We went over to a family friends house, and Cora made her this blanket:

   We also dyed eggs

Now, my Pizazz concert

After the softball game in Beloit, I got a candy cup

For horseback riding, I rode Buzz 

 And I walked the miniature pony, Bella

All of us with Bella

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