Sunday, August 27, 2023

My 11th Birthday

     Today is my eleventh birthday! We did so many fun things to celebrate, but before I tell you what we did, I'm going to tell you a little about myself.

    My name is Willa Rose Petersen, and I am a fifth grader at Pierce Elementary School. I do soccer, and I love to write, read, sing, bake, cook, make slime, watch TV, play video games (Sims 4, Hogwarts Legacy, FIFA 23, Minecraft etc.), hanging out with friends, and play on the phone. I love school, and my favorite subject is ELA (English Language Arts, or Reading) and PACT (Program for Acedemic and Creative Talent, or you may know it as TAG, Talented And Gifted), which my mom teaches, and she will now be working at my school this year, so I really hope I get in. 

    Now that I've told you a little about myself, I'll tell you what we did to celebrate.

On Wednesday, we went out to The Pines, a pizza place only a two minute drive from my house.

    Yesterday, the 26th, before my party, I opened up the presents from my parents. Then, we had my party.

Today, we went to Kohls to get a new backpack, and after that we went to Target (the shirt I'm wearing I got at Target)

Today for my Birthday Dinner, we might go to Edith Lucelle's or the Sushi House (I originally wanted to go to Need Pizza, but my parents said no because we already went out for pizza). 

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