Thursday, December 15, 2022


         Other than our eventful night (I explained in another post) we had some other fun stuff happen this December! 

Let's start in order! On December 3rd, I hummed in the Nutcracker at the Paramount Theater! I'm part of a children's choir called Discovery Chorus through Orchestra Iowa, which preforms at the Paramount Theater, which is how I'm able to do it!

Then, on December 8th, fourth grade preformed a concert at Franklin Middle School!

And I Kettle Bell rang with some people from my GS troop: Jane & Evelyn. The last pic is us with Gabby & Delaney, who Kettle Bell rang after us.

          Tomorrow, Saturday, and Sunday I will be preforming in one of the biggest performances of the Paramount Theater - the Holiday Spectacular. Yesterday & today I had a dress rehearsal for it.

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