Sunday, January 2, 2022

Merry Christmas!!

 I'd say that the Petersen's had a very neat Christmas. On Christmas Eve we went over to G&G's and made our yummy Candy-Can Cinnamon Roll.

When C&E were at Show Choir, I found our yearly ticket to The Twinkle Light Express. Always an awesome time!

On Christmas Eve, we went to Church (St. Paul's, to be exact)

  This has nothing to do with Christmas, but I was looking through old photo's and I came across this one and it made me remember when I was on the School Website and a Bill Board!

(BTW- I DON'T have Facebook-this was on OneDrive where we have some old Photographs)

On Christmas morning we had our Candy-Cane!

 And... all of my presents (Santa got me a archery set and Cora got me the shirt I'm wearing)

That's it! As Santa would say... "Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas!"

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