Three days ago, we got back from Bosman, Montana. When we got there, we stayed in a Airbnb, on the edge of town. On our way there we went to Badlands National Park, and Mount Rushmore. On our way back, we spent two days in Yellowstone Nat'l Park. First: West Yellowstone, Montana. 2nd: Cody, Wyoming.
Badlands-- Look at our shoes!
Badlands-- Me in front of the beautiful view
Here's our Airbnb:
Front/back (We were in the basement and went through the backyard to get inside) They also have a Teepee, but we didn't do much in the Teepee, Cuz' it has weeds in it.
Living room
Howdy, John Wayne
Our room (I slept on air mattress, Cora-purple bed, Evaline-pink bed)
Master bedroom
Master-and only-bathroom
One time when we were outside, I stayed in this position for the whole time!
Spanish creek hill
Drinking horse mountain-We went to the top!
Hyalite Canyon trail
When your on a gravel road, and your going "Aaaaaa" This is what you sound like:
At a shop in downtown, this chair was pulling me into the ground!
so much BUFFULO!!!
In Cody, there were horse back riding around the pool
That was fun!