Saturday, June 8, 2024

Last Week Of School!

     It's officially summer! The last week of school was pretty busy for us. I had a singing recital, soccer tournament, and the 5th grade celebration.

On May 5th, my family went to go see the musical "Chicago"! It was so good!

Last weekend, from the 31st to the 2nd, my soccer team had our 
soccer tournament. We did really well - placed 5th! In the fall, we didn't
win any games or score any goals, but this year we won six games, and
scored a goal in every single one, except for one!

The first game we played on Saturday, it was SUPER rainy, but we won 

Between the two games on Saturday, I had my singing recital. I sand 
Gary Indiana as a duet, Baby Mine by myself, and All For You by myself.

On the Monday of the last week of school, June 3rd, my school had our
5th grade celebration. Basically, everyone made a board celebrating and honoring
all the work they made in the 6 years of elementary school, and then you
get to show it off to adults and fellow classmates. Also, there are cupcakes,
water, and a slideshow about our favorite memory in the cafeteria. Next year,
I am going to a different middle school than all of my friends. I only know one
person who is going to the same middle school as me, but I am still 
super excited (and a little nervous) for middle school.

The day before school got out, the 5th graders had our annual water ballon toss,
which is just what it sounds like. You have a partner, and you throw a water balloon 
and try to catch it. If you caught it and it popped, you are out, or if you don't catch 
it, you're out. My partner was my mom, and one time she did catch it, but
it popped as soon as she caught it. She got soaked!

After that, we had a water balloon relay with only the 5th graders. I was standing
in line, waiting for my turn, when my mom grabs a water balloon and says
"Willa, think fast!", then threw the water balloon at me. I got even more soaked than
my mom did.

On Thursday, June 6th, was our last day of school. My sisters had to go to
school extra early for some reason. I'm pretty sure it has to do with them being in
Student Leadership. 

Yesterday, June 7th, my family and I went to a cute little ice cream parlor in Czech
Village. My mom and Cora shared their try four flavors thing, Evaline got a cherry
soda float, and I got Key Lime Pie ice cream in a waffle cone! We all agreed that
this place is super good!


Sunday, May 19, 2024


     It's almost summer! There's 13 days left of school... school gets out on June 6th for us! We have some fun summer plans, including a huge vacation to SPAIN, and all-summer long acting camp on the weekdays, and Camp Wapsie again!

    Since our last post, we've been SUPER busy! I had a TON of soccer games, we won three! In the fall, we didn't score a single goal in the fall season, but in the spring season we scored so many! I even scored one! Yesterday, we went against a team that we lost 12-0 in the fall, but yesterday we lost 2-1, and we were missing one of our best players, too!

On April 22, Evaline, mom, and I got hair appointments. I got

On April 29th, my NHD team went to Des Moines! NHD stands for
National History Day, and it's where you research a top that is 
at least 20 years old. I did Anne Boleyn and the Church of 
England. If you make it to state, then you compete in state, and if
you win that, then you go to Nationals. Last year, Evaline made it to 
Nationals. There is 3 divisions: Youth (what I was in), Junior (middle school),
and senior (high school). In both senior and junior, it is competitive and you can
get real awards for your work, but in youth, it's not competitive,
and you only get a participation award. NHD is a P.A.C.T (other 
districts have another name for it, I know most call it T.A.G), so you 
do have to qualify for it!

My NHD group was the best!

Getting my participation medal

We took some people to and from the place, and we had a "car party"

With my mom working at my school, in the mornings I usually go outside
to hang out with my friends, but one rainy morning, I decided to write 
the current "slang" that the boys in
my grade use on my mom's whiteboard. 

And, yesterday, I had Family Fun Night at my school! I went with
some of my friends, and we got Kona Ice. Me and two other friends got matching 
koala donut temporary tattoos and me and four other friends got 
matching unicorn face paint.

Friday, April 12, 2024

Since Spring Break!

     A decent amount has happened since spring break! The Monday right after break, my grade went on a field trip to the Children's Museum to learn about taxes and money (the second half we got to do free time), I started soccer, I finished my 5th grade National History Day Project (another post coming up on that soon, sometime when we actually go to it, so I'll probably post it late April or early May), and yesterday we went on another field trip to the Indian Creek Nature Center, and yeah, that's basically it. Oh! Cora and Evaline started Tennis! 

  I forgot to include these last post, but here are some more pictures from Jethro's (yes, more 😂)

Our field trip was a blast! For the first half, we got to learn about taxes. We also
got to pretend to be an adult in a city, and work. For that time, we had groups, and
I think my group was the best. While we were shopping, I broke my arm, so we 
ditched our grocery's and went to the "hospital", but the nurse wasn't much 
help - she just made me spend money then kicked me out!
For our job, we worked in the Pizzeria, and we got sued 6 TIMES!
One person tore their ACL from eating our pizza, one person got brain cancer from eating our pizza, two people got food poisoning, one person was a Karen, and
one person didn't like the way the pizza's looked.
None of that was supposed to happen, though.
My job at the pizzeria was the manager, waiter, and marketer. 
It was a busy 30 minutes, but it was SO FUN!

For the second half of the field trip, we got to have free choice, but only in certain parts of
the place, because the other 5th grade class was doing the same activities that we just were.
I played tag in the farm room, spent time in an Airplane Simulator, 
explored with friends, and built with Legos in the Lego room!

And, finally, with my mom working at my school, I get to go to school 
earlier! Yesterday morning, I drew a masterpiece on her whiteboard.

Monday, March 11, 2024

It's Been a Long Time Coming But...

     I'm finally posting again! February has been rather odd weather wise - 50 degrees most days, sometimes even 70 degrees, then it would drop all the way down to 20 degrees the next week. Other than that, February has been pretty busy. Between Show Chior meets and Speech, we have had something going on practically every weekend.

From the 10th-13th, we went to Wisconsin Dells! We only got pictures of us doing the ropes course, but we also spent a lot of time down at the waterparks. We had Fun Passes, which means you can do basically any activity as many times as you want. We did Laser Tag so many times - I lost count!

Cora and Evaline made it to All-State for Speech! In high school, they have group speech and single person speech. Cora and Evaline did group speech, which is basically preforming. They did a radio broadcast and a movie. Their radio broadcast, which was about being twins, made it to all state! There was a lot of sitting around, and a lot of car rides. that same day, Cora and Evaline had a show choir comp in Davenport, which is almost on the other side of the state! I read a lot that day - I started and finished the book "ReStart" that same day.

On Sunday, we cleaned up after the Hawkeye Men's Basketball game. We started cleaning up around 7:30 PM and ended at around 12:00 AM. I didn't do much, I only cleaned about half of the time. The rest of the time I read or walked around. I read the book "Long Lost" on my kindle, and I started and finished at the cleanup. We got there early enough to see the last 6 minutes of the game

Before we went there, we went to Jethro's BBQ

Sunday, February 4, 2024

2024 So Far

     This month hasn't been as busy as December, which was nice. We only had one five-day school week in January, due to weather. Most of the first half was below 10 degrees, but that's just life when you live in the Midwest. We have, however, have a few days where the high is above 30! Today, the high is 48! Next weekend, when we're in Wisconsin, it's expected to be in the 50's!!

Sometime in mid-January, Cora and Evaline helped out at Freshman night, a night for incoming freshman, since they're in Student Council  

On the 22nd, we had our Module UN meeting. My whole PACT team, there's 10 of us, went to the ELSC, the district office. We were there along with two other schools. (The first group photo is just the people from my school, and the second one is with all the kids)

And yesterday, February 3rd, my sisters had a show choir competition and state speech, so I stayed at my grandparents house. We went to their speech competition, which was in Bettendorf, around 1 hour and a half away. On our way there, we stopped at the Worlds Biggest Truck Stop and got some Taco Bell and Reeses. And when I tell you that the Worlds Biggest Truck Stop is huge, it's huge.
Anyways, once we got to the speech comp, we got to see Cora, Evaline, and my parents

Sunday, January 7, 2024


     I am ashamed to say that I never posted un December, but it's true. We were so busy that I just didn't have the time to post.

    In early December we went to the Amana's. Like always, we had to stop at the Christmas Tree Showing!

On December 9th me and two other friends went to see Alissabeth Von Presley's Christmas concert. It was SO GOOD! 

Cora and Evaline both have their learners permit and school permit, so on the 21st, they got a car!

On the 23rd we went  on our annual Tinkle Light Express, where we drive around looking at all the lights in our city.

On Christmas Eve we went over to my grandparents house on my moms side. There we ate dinner, opened presents, and baked the candy canes

On Christmas Day we opened presents bright and early, 7:00. One of the presents was to all three of us and it was tickets to see the play Chicago!

The rest of the day was pretty low-key. We made a ton of dips and we had dips for lunch while we played Ticket to Ride. My grandpa stopped by and he delivered his presents to us. I got a desk from him!

This is the only picture we took during Christmas: Me with all of my TS stuff!

The day after Christmas, our family, my cousins, and my uncle and his girlfriends family went to Spare Time, this fun activity place. We played in the arcade, went bowling for an hour, and played Laser Tag.

Towards the end of break, I worked on my Poster Board for Module U.N. (Module United Nations), a P.A.C.T. that I'm doing. I'm studying Spain, so my poster board is information about Spain.