Friday, April 12, 2024

Since Spring Break!

     A decent amount has happened since spring break! The Monday right after break, my grade went on a field trip to the Children's Museum to learn about taxes and money (the second half we got to do free time), I started soccer, I finished my 5th grade National History Day Project (another post coming up on that soon, sometime when we actually go to it, so I'll probably post it late April or early May), and yesterday we went on another field trip to the Indian Creek Nature Center, and yeah, that's basically it. Oh! Cora and Evaline started Tennis! 

  I forgot to include these last post, but here are some more pictures from Jethro's (yes, more 😂)

Our field trip was a blast! For the first half, we got to learn about taxes. We also
got to pretend to be an adult in a city, and work. For that time, we had groups, and
I think my group was the best. While we were shopping, I broke my arm, so we 
ditched our grocery's and went to the "hospital", but the nurse wasn't much 
help - she just made me spend money then kicked me out!
For our job, we worked in the Pizzeria, and we got sued 6 TIMES!
One person tore their ACL from eating our pizza, one person got brain cancer from eating our pizza, two people got food poisoning, one person was a Karen, and
one person didn't like the way the pizza's looked.
None of that was supposed to happen, though.
My job at the pizzeria was the manager, waiter, and marketer. 
It was a busy 30 minutes, but it was SO FUN!

For the second half of the field trip, we got to have free choice, but only in certain parts of
the place, because the other 5th grade class was doing the same activities that we just were.
I played tag in the farm room, spent time in an Airplane Simulator, 
explored with friends, and built with Legos in the Lego room!

And, finally, with my mom working at my school, I get to go to school 
earlier! Yesterday morning, I drew a masterpiece on her whiteboard.