So for the past three (I think) years I've been doing this blog, It's really been "my blog," and more recently, I've wanted a family blog. My mom said no. So, I've decided that this blog could possibly be a family blog (?) but it's still my blog, if that makes sense. Anyway, let me introduce you to my family (including me).
Let's start with me. My name is Willa, as you probably know, and I am a fourth grader at Pierce Elementary, and my favorite subjects are ELA and Social Studies. Next year, I'll be in in fifth grade, still at Pierce. Since my birthday is August 27th, I had to take A.K.(Alternative Kindergarten), otherwise I'd be in fifth grade. If you didn't know, I'm ten. I do Girl Scouts, and I'm a junior. My favorite sport is soccer, and this summer, I'll be taking a soccer camp for a week. Also during the summer, I'll be doing these camps: a Playtime Poppy camp (if I get in, you have to audition, it's an acting camp), Discover Summer Camp, Camp Wapsie (an overnight camp-I'll be staying Sun-Sat overnight), a soccer camp, theater camp, a movie maker camp through TCR, a tennis camp through Jefferson HS, and a camp where we go to the Maquoketa caves! I will also be taking swim lessons at Ellis Pool on Saturdays.
Evaline. Evaline is an eighth grader at Franklin Middle School, next year she will be a Freshman (ninth grader) at Jefferson High School (go J-Hawks!), the school that my dad works at. Her favorite subject is Science, and her favorite sport is Tennis. She got a job at the Cedar Rapids Aquatics, and she'll be working at Ellis Pool. Also-- BIG NEWS!!!! She made it to NATIONALS for National History day! She wrote an essay titled American Quakers in World War II, She will be representing Iowa, along with some other people. So we're going to Washington D.C. The best part? She really only has to go in twice, check in and interview, and the rest she basically has free! There will be a four hour long awards ceremony (ugh) from 8:00-12:00. Since we're driving, we'll be leaving on the 10th of June, and be back in Iowa on the 16th. Anyways, in Optimist Speech, Evaline got a gold medal in her first competition.
Cora. Cora is also an eighth grader at Franklin Middle School, also attending Jefferson High School next year. She'll be doing JV Cheer with Evaline. Her favorite subject is, also, science, and sport is, also, Tennis. She also got a job with the Cedar Rapids Aquatics, and will also be working at Ellis Pool. Her Mock Trial team (which is also the same team as Evaline's) made it to State, for Future Cities, their team got SECOND in all of Iowa, and for NHD (National History Day), she made it to State, then made it to finals! She is a babysitter (as is Evaline), and babysits for multiple people. In her free time, she loves playing pickleball with us, reading, playing on her phone, and crocheting.
My mom (Merry) is a PACT teacher at Madison, Van Buren, and Grant Wood. She enjoys baking, cooking, reading, and doing DIY. She did have another blog, but she stopped it five years ago. I offered to start that one back up. Nope. I cannot do so. Merry loves checking books out from the Library, and she currently is reading the Outlander Series. My dad (Ian) is a ELA teacher at Jefferson High School. In his free time, he likes to watch TV, grade papers, and cook.
On Saturday, I went bowling at SpareTime with my friends Maggie, Gabby, and Cosette, then, after that, we went to Costco, then Wig & Pen for pizza. On Sunday, we cleaned up our house, because we were going to have guests over. When they came over, we ate dinner (Korean barbecued chicken and some potatoes), and then Cora and Evaline showed their NHD projects, and I shared my opening statement (I did Fairy Tales on Trial, it's basically a Jr. Mock Trial). Then, we did kind of an escape room type thing where instead of breaking out of a room, you tried to break into a box.
Now? Now we're doing plenty of baking-Cora's making Crème Brule, and Evaline's making meringues.